Program Overview
Duration: 300 hours within 18 weeks

A post secondary diploma program 

Systematically equips you with professional skills and expertise in piano tuning and repairing.

Hands-on experience guaranteed by in class delivery 

Piano models: Grand and Upright

Learning included but not limit to::

  • Fundamental knowledge of piano parts and structures
  • Humidity and temperature effects on the piano depending on the wood materials
  • Regular maintenance 
  • Full spectrum on the difference between grand and upright pianos
  • Firsthand experience in exploring all professional tools, provided in class
  • Troubleshoot common piano problems due to interior/exterior structural issues
  • Practice the techniques with the instructor in the class
  • Implement newly acquired skills in a running piano tuning/repair shop 
  • Prepares you ready to work as a professional piano tuning and repairing technician

Some skills you will master includes but not limit to:
  • Assembly of Grand piano action model
  • Solve structural problems such as loose tuning pins, rib spear actions, etc.
  • Tackle damper problems

Admission Requirements

Ontario Secondary High School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent
Mature student status with relevant professional experience (determined by the instructors)

If you are interested in only taking certaian courses instead of the program, you must have equivalent knowledge and skills that meet the prerequisite for the course you want to register.


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